Nokia 9110i Communicator - To read mail

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To read mail

Mail that you fetch from your Remote mailbox is stored in the Received mail

To read a mail message

1 Select the Received mail folder in the Mail main view and press Open. Mail

messages that have not yet been opened in the communicator are marked
with .

2 Select the message, and press Open.

When you open a received mail, the following commands become available:

Attachments — Lists all MIME attachments: text, image, audio, video or
application. If the message does not contain any attachments, this command

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is dimmed. When viewing the list of attachments, you may select an
attachment and choose from the following options:

View — Opens the attachment if there is enough memory and if the
message can be opened in the communicator.
Save — Saves the attachment in the Downloaded files folder.
Close — Returns you to the previous screen.

Delete — Removes the open mail message.

Close — Returns you to the Received mail folder.

To use the Menu button

If you press the Menu button in an opened mail message, the following
options become available:

Reply (include text) — Replies to a mail message and includes the received
mail in your reply. If the received mail message is a MIME document, only the
first text part is copied to the message and may be edited. Attachments
cannot be included in the reply message

Reply — Replies to a mail message without including the received mail in your

Reply all (include text) — Replies to all the persons who received the mail and
includes the received mail in your reply.

Reply all — Replies to all the persons who received the mail without including
the received mail in your reply.

Forward — Forwards the received mail and the possible mail attachments.

Find URL — This option searches for a URL address in the message. If there is a
URL, you can open a connection to the selected address by pressing Fetch.

Hierarchical structure — Shows the hierarchical structure of the mail

Print — Prints the message.

Scroll to any of these and press Select.

Figure 5

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